Travel documents
As a traveler, you are responsible for obtaining additional information from the authorities concerned about travel documents and any visa requirements. We try to update you as much as possible regarding your flight, but we advise you to check in good time before departure whether the previously obtained information has not changed in the meantime.
Korcula Experts uses the Dutch or Belgian nationality when providing the information. If you have a non-Dutch or multiple nationality, we advise you to contact the embassy or Croatia about the required travel documents.
All children must have their own travel document. Additional border formalities may apply to unaccompanied (divorced) parents with children. After booking you are responsible for having the correct travel documents, required additional information and to check whether everything is still up-to-date upon departure.

So check the validity of your passport or identity card and that of your fellow travelers in time to avoid disappointment.

Your travel documents are checked both at check-in and when boarding. At the check-in or boarding, if you find that your travel document is not valid long enough and if you are refused, then the costs for an emergency document and a new ticket are for your own account. If, for whatever reason, the validity of your travel document has not been properly checked at the check-in and this ensures that you no longer have time to request an emergency document, then this is never the responsibility of Dutch routes. You are in fact always responsible for the correct travel documents.


If you use medication, take a spare amount with you. If the use of medication is important to you, also bring your European medical passport and a statement in English about the dosage prescribed for you, so that local doctors can help you better in the event of an emergency.

® Korcula Experts 2013 - 2024
+385 91 172 1441